Okefenokee RESA provides professional learning to all member system teachers of mathematics, instructional coaches, and leaders at all grade levels, K-12. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:
Improving student achievement with the focus on a Standards-Based Curriculum:
All professional learning is aligned to the Georgia Mathematics Standards of Excellence. All standards are designed to help learners achieve a balance among concepts, skills, and problem solving. They provide clear expectations for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and student work. The standards stress rigorous concept development and real-world applications while maintaining a strong emphasis on computational and procedural skills. At all grades, the standards encourage students to reason mathematically, to evaluate mathematical arguments both formally and informally, to use the language of mathematics to communicate ideas and information precisely, and to make connections among mathematical topics and to other disciplines.
Please click on the following links to access updates from the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team:
The above link has access to Virtual Mathematics Learning for Teachers and Leaders, Georgia Mathematics Equity Resources, Instructional Resources, and Parent/Student Resources.
The above link is to the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Page.
There is an interactive image housing all Mathematics initiatives, standards, and resources.
Please visit the Georgia Department of Education homepage (https://www.gadoe.org/Pages/Home.aspx) to access Accountability and Assessment resources related to Mathematics K – 12.