Rhonda Gatewood
Professional Learning/GaTAPP Coordinator
Table of Contents

What is GaTAPP?

GaTAPP is an alternative pathway for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution, who did not complete a traditional teacher education program, and who want to transition into the teaching profession. In an effort to be responsive to the needs of its member systems, Okefenokee RESA works collaboratively with schools and systems to mitigate teacher shortages through its commitment to a rigorous yet highly supportive alternative preparation program. The goal of the GaTAPP pathway is to equip teacher candidates with the necessary skills for initial success in their classrooms through concentrated training opportunities.

Program Overview

GaTAPP is a job-embedded, 18 - 24 month (depending on certification area) program. Candidates will be required to complete a series of classes/seminars throughout the program.

The GaTAPP program is a combined face-to-face and online program with individualized support. Candidates are required to complete a variety of classes/seminars and attendance at all trainings and seminars is required. Assignments are expected to be submitted on time.

Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in 24 competencies and 14 dispositions in order to complete the program. Candidates are supported through the program by a Candidate Support Team (CST). This team is comprised of an administrator, mentor, RESA Supervisor, and a content specialist (if not the mentor).

Note for coaches: The GaTAPP program is your pathway to certification so GaTAPP requirements take precedence over coaching responsibilities. In the application packet, the candidate, administrator, and system HR Director are required to sign off indicating their understanding that GaTAPP requirements (i.e., classes/seminars, etc) take precedence over any duties.

Admissions Requirements

  • Hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a GaPSC accredited institution
  • Have a passing score on the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (Test 360). Please select Okefenokee RESA as your Program Provider.
  • Be employed by a school district in the Okefenokee RESA service area for at least 50% of the day in the area seeking certification. NOTE: Placement must be in a face-to-face setting. Placement may NOT be computer-based or ISS.
  • Demonstration of Content Knowledge: GaPSC requires all GaTAPP candidates (except SpEd Consultative candidates) to demonstrate content knowledge prior to program admission. Each certification area has 1 - 3 options to demonstrate content knowledge: 1.) passing a related GACE assessment, 2.) holding a degree in the area of certification sought, or 3.) having related coursework in the area of certification sought. The requirements vary by certification area and are detailed in the document “Demonstration of Content Knowledge for Program Admission”. See Resources section for document.

    All three of the following must be aligned upon admittance and remain aligned until program completion:

  1. Teaching position
  2. GACE content-area assessment
  3. Certification field the candidate is seeking

Admissions Checklist

To be considered for the GaTAPP program, the following must be submitted:

  • $50 application fee (non-refundable) - check or money order only
  • Copy of Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended 
  • Demonstration of Content Knowledge: See document “Demonstration of Content Knowledge for Program Admission” to determine your options.
    • GACE assessment: Include a COPY of the GACE passing score report. Please select Okefenokee RESA as your program provider when taking the assessment.
    • Degree option: No additional submissions required.
    • Coursework option: No additional submissions required.
  • COPY of the Georgia Educator Ethics GACE (Test 360) certificate. Please select Okefenokee RESA as your program provider when taking the assessment.
  • Administrator Assurance Form (signed by your principal)
  • System Assurance Form (signed by your system HR Director)
  • Candidate Assurance Form (signed by you)
  • Complete Application

All forms can be found in the Resources section below.


All certification areas except SpEd, Elementary Education, and SpEd General Curriculum/Elementary Education:

GaTAPP is designed as an 18-month program. The tuition for the GaTAPP program is $5200. The program tuition includes the following:

  • All coursework taken at Okefenokee RESA*
  • Supervision by RESA Supervisor
  • Mentor Fees

Additional semester (or partial semester) after the 18 months: $500/Semester

SpEd Candidates:

GaTAPP is designed as an 18-month program. The tuition for the SpEd GaTAPP program is $5700. The program tuition includes the following:

  • All coursework taken at Okefenokee RESA* (includes additional coursework required for SpEd candidates)
  • Supervision by RESA Supervisor
  • Mentor Fees

Additional semester (or partial semester) after the 18 months: $500/Semester

Elementary Education:

GaTAPP is designed as a 24-month program. The tuition for the Elementary Education GaTAPP program is $6000. The program tuition includes the following:

  • All coursework taken at Okefenokee RESA* (includes additional coursework required for Elementary Education candidates)
  • Supervision by RESA Supervisor
  • Mentor Fees

Additional semester (or partial semester) after the initial 24 months: $500/Semester

SpEd General Curriculum/Elementary Education

Okefenokee RESA does not recommend the SpEd General Curriculum/Elementary Ed certification route. We recommend completing the Elementary Education certification and testing into SpEd. If you are interested in the SpEd General Curriculum/Elementary Ed certification route, please contact Rhonda Robbins prior to application.

^ Important: Passing Elementary Education (Tests 001 & 002) and SpEd General Curriculum (Tests 081 & 082) are not acceptable for this certification route. You must pass the dual certification GACE: SpEd General Curriculum/Elementary Ed (Tests 003 & 004) for this certification area.

*Note: Program tuition includes the cost of all required courses taken at Okefenokee RESA one time. If a candidate does not successfully complete the course due to failure to complete assignments, etc. the candidate will be required to pay tuition to re-take the course.

**OK RESA GaTAPP is not eligible for 1098-T forms because it is a certification program and not a degree program. We advise all students to consult with their tax advisor.


In addition to tuition, the following fees apply:

  • Application Fee - $50 (non-refundable) - payable by check or money order to Okefenokee RESA
  • Content Area GACE assessment(s)
  • Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment
  • The Reading Assessment based on your certification area

All fees and GACE assessments are the responsibility of the candidate and are not included in the program tuition.

Application Process

Cohorts begin in July of each year. Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 cohort to begin July 8, 2025.

To apply for the GaTAPP program (All application forms can be found in the Resources Section below):

  1. Review the admissions requirements and ensure you meet all requirements for your certification area.
  2. Complete the Candidate Application and Candidate Assurance Forms.
  3. Have your building principal complete and sign the Administrator Assurance Form.
  4. Have your system HR Director complete the sign the System Assurance Form.
  5. Collect all required documentation (i.e., official copies of transcripts, copies of GACE scores, etc). Note: You must provide the score report for your GACE assessments.
  6. Submit all forms, documentation, and application fee to:

Jennifer Hale, Registrar
Okefenokee RESA
1450 N. Augusta Ave.
Waycross, GA 31501

Essentials of Effective Teaching 1

This is the first course in the GaTAPP program. All dates are face-to-face and mandatory. Meeting time each day is 8:30 - 4:00 PM

2025 Cohort Begins July 8, 2025

Dates: July 8-10;14-18; 21

**GaTAPP candidates are also required to complete Ok RESA’s New Employee Induction.

New Employee Induction Dates:

  • July 24, 2025
  • July 25, 2025


GaTAPP Admissions ChecklistDownload
Demonstration of Content Knowledge DocumentDownload
GaTAPP ApplicationDownload
Candidate Assurance FormDownload
Administrator Assurance FormDownload
System Assurance FormDownload

Candidate Resources: 
